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Simply Click on the button of the Title of the bible study or preaching that you would like to watch.
Bible Studies
The fear of the lord
Melissa Alers
Peer pressure
Melissa Alers
The dangers of selfishness
Melissa Alers
the schoolmaster
Melissa Alers
Melissa Alers
the work of the holy spirit
Melissa Alers
saved by faith
Melissa Alers
living in a world that is not ours
Melissa Alers
putting on the full armor of god
Melissa Alers
blessing of obedience vs.
consequences of disobedience
Melissa Alers
body, mind & spirit
Melissa Alers
workman approved by god
Melissa Alers
the garden of god
Melissa Alers
prayer & fasting
Melissa Alers
the difference between
the fruit of the spirit & gifts.
Melissa Alers
the functions of
the word of god
Melissa Alers
biblical matramony
Melissa Alers
Just a moment of laziness
Melissa Alers
selective hearing
Melissa Alers
the world offered us nothing
before & it offers nothing now
Melissa Alers
you can lead a horse to water
but you can not make it drink
Melissa Alers
christians, the strongest
people in the world
Melissa Alers
One question
Melissa Alers
press forward
Melissa Alers
the carnal mind
vs. the spiritual mind
Melissa Alers
why seek ye the living
among the dead
Melissa Alers
my defence comes
from the lord
Melissa Alers
a time to embrace
in a time of war
Melissa Alers
a present help
in a time of trouble
Melissa Alers
what is his purpose
in our lives
Melissa Alers
the little things
make a big difference
Melissa Alers
believe in him
Melissa Alers
rejoice in all things
not for all things
Melissa Alers
Just be willing
Melissa Alers
operate in faith
not fear
Melissa Alers
a time to listen
Melissa Alers
one thing is needful:
Melissa Alers
ye must be born again
Melissa Alers
trusting the lord
Melissa Alers
listen to him now before you remember his voice later
Melissa Alers
touching him with faith
Melissa Alers
don't follow your heart
follow jesus
Melissa Alers
lifting the fallen brethen
Melissa Alers
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